Thursday, August 16, 2012

Response email to the Occupy Oakland Education Committee on Mike Hutchinson email

Hi All, I also was not there to hear and see what was said but I will say this.....My personal opinion Mike about being a "member" of an organization that you are asking for the endorsement is right out of the status quo play book. Being on the sub-committee that is planing a candidate forum I feel the same. It is a conflict of interest. Which is why and other reasons why I did not become an official member and did not participate in the candidate forum committee.

Fact: I came to a OOEC meeting 2 months before the action seeking an endorsement for my run as well. Then was so pleased that I stayed to help with the action. You were not at any of those meetings, you would not take an official safety shift all though your company when you did come down was needed and helpful. Please stop using the action for your political career which could be why folks are triggered by your switch of political parties. As The Oakland Green Party has mentioned to you, your politics have all ready changed once you make statements like and I quote. "I have access to funds with the democratic party that I do not have as a green", you have told people you wanted to distance yourself from me and made an attempt to with hold NAACP knowledge. All fair in politics? Well having no staff I did not qualify but have no fear I will do it all on my own next time too and will get on and will win.

I still want to work with you but I will be speaking truth to power with no shame as I always have, I look forward to your thoughts as well. Please trust that this is written with no malice or anger. Peace V

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Voter pamhlet statement first draft

Vicente Cruz wants change, now. Cruz is your next OUSDBoard Candidate for People's District 3.Vicente desires that all OUSD students,regardless of poor socioeconomic status, be provided with the sameopportunities as any other child. He isvowing to fight tooth-and-nail against truancy and school closures, whilepassionately fighting to reinstate adult education and reinvent Oakland’sbudgeting techniques. Cruz knows that the current education funding needsto be radically redistributed in order to better benefit Oakland students. Heis vying for multilingual education programs, healthier eating, more frequentexercise programs, heavier emphasis on art and music, and more post-gradsupport for Oakland high school seniors. Vicente hasworked in education for 16 years in the Bay Area. Let Cruz fight for your students!