Monday, January 7, 2013

OGP 2013/2014 plan of action

Oakland Green Party Two Year Plan 2013 and 2014

Social Goals

· Develop more awareness around the city, specifically on peace, environment, and social justice issues; notably in Oakland, focus on issues of grass roots democracy and money free elections, budget priorities, police accountability and effectiveness, subsidies to developers, lack of accountability for foreclosures, planning and zoning issues, urban tree cover, grey water, urban gardening/farming issues, including but not limited to, access to healthy food for all and the food justice movement as a whole; tax/revenue issues working toward living wages, port jobs, equal education for all and by ending welfare for the rich/wealthy(?) providing a more rounded education system including funding for arts, sports, language, trade, special/physical education. Safe, walk able neighborhoods and promoting more small businesses to support those neighborhoods.

· Make the Oakland Green Party a more effective vehicle to raise these issues and advocate policies in accordance with the public needs, and our values through grass roots movement building and participation in the electoral process. Note, we should be able to influence the outcome of elections by making responsible use of our second vote recommendations based on policy priorities.

Outreach Goals

· Increase the number of people who we reach with our messages.

· Increase the number of Registered Greens who are informed and/or more active in Oakland politics.

· Increase our participation and effectiveness in the next elections with viable candidates for ALL seats if possible.

· Have a better and more consistent fundraising component to our work, including online donations.

Outreach Methods

· Have public points of presence on a regular basis to advocate our proposals.

· Develop themes to participate in the public discussion, such as challenging those who work inside the Democratic Party claiming to be “practical progressives” to show some results.

· Attend government meetings in Oakland and write publically about it in social media platforms.

· Work on campaign themes of timely relevance to city affairs.

· Volunteer and candidate recruitment.

· Regular phone banking

· Distribution of our materials in public places.

· Voter Registration (door to door).

· Produce and distribute basic information on:

1.     Description of Oakland Greens and our activities

2.     Our vision for Oakland City Government


· Thematic handouts as relevant to current events and government actions, such as the next two year budget or city response to the Riders Case.

· Promote our own meetings, activities, campaigns and events.

· Obtain printed materials from organizations and/or on actions that we support to distribute alongside our own

Campaign Themes:

· Upcoming Budget

· Police Accountability

· Foreclosure regulations

Organization of Core Group

· Steering Committee responsible for legal and political representation of the Oakland Greens. Develop our policies to be converted into publications. Handle our donations and bank account. Decide on how we spend our funds.

· Outreach committee responsible for the web site, final version of publications, volunteer coordinating.

· General Meeting held monthly where the election of committee members, adoption of policies, and endorsements of other candidates, causes and organizations takes place,


In a normal month we should have

· 2 tables in different locations including Mime Troupe Shows in summer.

· 2 voter registration walks

· 1 phone bank to registered greens

· 1 general meeting (with film and discussion?)

At all of these we should be distributing our literature and promote our own events.

Next two years

All of 2013 we can work on this regular rhythm and work on our campaigns. 0
Note the budget will come with the new council in Jan/Feb and maybe March.

We should also have the Steering Committee meet with other groups we should be cooperating with and with potential candidates for the 2014 election.

Jan-April Set up our candidates with basic structure for campaigns
i.e. paperwork, bank accounts, websites, YouTube, Facebook, basic handout and setup campaign teams.

April – June first round of precinct walking with our candidates and their basic outreach handouts and once available, distribute our voter guide door to door.

June 2014 collect signatures for our candidates petitions, prepare voter statements.

July 2014 to November 2014 precinct walking, voter registration and online / social media. Again as available, hand out the voter guide.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Community Democracy Project Initiative FAQ

CDP Initiative FAQ

Neighborhood Assemblies

1) How do people get properly informed about the budget?

2) How is the agenda set for the meetings?

3) How often & where are the assembly meetings?

4) How do people make decisions?

5) How can NGOs & CBOs interface with the NAs?

6) How to encourage participation (especially of folk from marginalized groups)?

7) What does a typical meeting look like?

8) How to make sure people listen to/learn from each other?

9) How are the neighborhoods determined? How big are the NAs?

1) How do people get properly informed about the budget?

There are four ways. First, there will be time at meetings for presentations from city officials about

both the overall budget and specifics pertaining to particular city departments/programs. Second,

different NGOs and interest groups will naturally want to develop and distribute materials--via

presentations, tabling, having local members advocate, etc.--related to their particular areas of concern.

Third, delegates from various CWCs will regularly make reports. Four, over time, simply by

participating in the various discussions, people will develop "collective wisdom" for not only the

budget per se but also for the various interests, trade-offs, and perspectives on the issues.

2) How is the agenda set for the meetings?

Except for the once a year City Budget Vote, the agenda of the meetings is set by the Directors of each

particular NA. Typically, Directors will set agendas based on decisions at prior sessions, the interests

of community members, and the availability of presenters. As long as some part of the time is set aside

for discussion of the city budget. the meetings are flexible. (Also see an example NA agenda included

in this FAQ.)

3) How often & where are the assembly meetings?

Once a month, during at least 10 months of the year. They can choose to meet more if desired. Each

NA may form various working groups, committees, etc. which may meet at additional times. The NA

meetings are held at suitable locations provided or subsidized by the City.

4) How do people make decisions?

Members of NAs will make decisions based upon a majority vote, amendable later by the NA itself.

Examples of decision making include but are not limited to electing directors, putting forth a proposal

to any committee, or creating a committee or sub-committee. An opportunity for deliberation is

required before voting. A quorum to make decisions is 30 voting members (i.e. neighborhood residents

aged 16).

5) How to encourage participation (especially of folk from marginalized groups)?

First, our experience tells us that when people feel like their voices really matter, they are more likely

to participate. So as folk see that they have the opportunity to decide how the city runs, on the basis of

"one person, one vote" instead of "one dollar, one vote", they will want to participate.

Second, there will be dedicated staff--7 full-time Coordinators and 21 part-time Organizers--who will
focus their efforts on promoting the program both city-wide and within targeted neighborhoods as
needed. There will be periodic city-wide mailings and promotions, including inserts in other city
departmental mailings,

Third, the Directors of the NAs are local leaders elected by people in their neighborhood. They will
know their neighborhoods relatively well and will have incentives to promote wide-ranging
involvement in their NAs. Moreover, each NA will have a budget for outreach.

6) What does a typical meeting look like?
A typical meeting might last 2-3 hours, and include, for example: cultural openers from local elders,
reports from subcommittees, a presentation with Q&A from city officials, a panel with CBOs and local activists , and group discussions on neighborhood issues. (Also see an example NA agenda included in this FAQ.)

7) How to make sure people listen to/learn from each other?

The meetings are organized by 3-5 Directors, who will be provided with ongoing training in
facilitation. Moreover, there will ample opportunity for individuals and organizations with expertise in group process to share their skills with the NAs.

8) How are the neighborhoods determined? How big are the NAs?
NAs will correspond to subdivisions of the current Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council (NCPC)
districts. Each area will consist of 3,000-5,000 people, so there will be approximately 100 NAs in all.
Basically, each NCPC will be divided in half, with the exact boundaries determined by the local


1) Who are the NA Directors?

2) Who are the DBP staff?

3) Who hires/oversees the staff?

4) How does the program evolve over time?

5) What will it all cost?

6) Is this legal? Is this constitutional?

1) Who are the NA Directors?
The Directors of the NAs are 3-5 locally elected volunteer leaders who organize the meetings and manage the NA operating budgets. They are the natural ambassadors & points of contact for their NAs. Directors are provided with training and leadership development opportunities--city-wide skill-building conferences, leadership retreats, etc. They serve on the city-wide Congress of Directors that oversees the overall Democratic Budgeting Program.Directors are elected for 2 year terms. They cannot serve consecutive terms though they can stand again after a hiatus. There is some staggering so that incoming folk overlap with more experienced folk.

2) Who are the DBP staff?
The DBP will have two kinds of staff, Coordinators and Organizers. The Coordinators are 7 full-time staff--1per council district--that support the DBP by maintaining databases, websites, promoting the DBP to the public, supporting the NA Directors, managing the DBP Organizers, and supporting the city-wide committees. The Organizers are 21 half-time staff--3 per council district--that promote the program at the neighborhood level and assist the Coordinators.

3) Who hires/oversees the staff?
Organizers, as assistants to Coordinators, are hired by them. Coordinators are initially hired at district-wide launching forums. Thereafter, their work is overseen by the Congress of Directors.

4) How does the program evolve over time?
Draft proposals to amend the program come from the NAs, & are developed by the city-wide Congress of Directors. The final versions are voted on by the people in the NAs.

5) What will it all cost?
About $2.5 million per year. This is less than 0.3% of the overall city budget, and includes staff pay, NA operating funds, etc.

6) Is this legal? Is this constitutional?
Passing a charter amendment means changing the law. In this sense, it is legal. Could we beat any lawsuits brought by those who want to maintain the status quo? Would the relevant courts agree with us? We hope so.From our legal research there is nothing that says we cannot do it. The law is always a matter of historical and political struggle.

1) How does the budget allocation vote work?

2) How do program/department-specific proposals get made?

3) What will guarantee we don't get a whacked out budget in the end?

4) How to use the expertise that already exists in the departments/among city officials?

1) How does the budget allocation vote work?
There are two funds that voters have power over: general funds and special funds.For the general funds, voters see a list of the departments of the city, with their current percentages of the general funds budget. Voters decide what they want the percentages to be. All the voters' choices
are averaged. This becomes the general funds allocation for the following fiscal year. For the special funds, which are constrained for more specific uses, CWCs with expertise in the relevant departments submit proposals for which departments should get which funds. Voters they choose between the CWC proposal and any alternative proposal from City officials. The allocation is the average.

2) How do program/department-specific proposals get made?
People who have ideas for specific programs or departmental changes they want submit their proposals to their NA. If the NA approves, then the proposal gets sent to the appropriate CWC specializing in that aspect of city operations. Each CWC discusses and synthesizes all the proposals they receive into an alternative budget for their department. Voters then decide between the budget submitted by the CWCs and any alternative submitted by the department. (The departments & CWCs use the allocations already set in the previous year as their baseline for program planning.)

3) What will guarantee we don't get a whacked out budget in the end?
A whacked-out budget is what characterizes the status quo. People in the NAs will certainly be no
worse --and will probably be even better--at balancing diverse interests and hearing the voices of the
disadvantaged than the special interests that dominate policy-making today. In any case, since the
budget allocation vote is an average, extremes will tend to be balanced. This is just the way the
statistics work out: While a few 'con-extremists' might say “I vote zero percent for department X!” and a few 'pro-extremists' say “I vote 100% for department X!”, most people will tend to be somewhere in the middle. When the votes are tallied, the total will be reflective of the “average” voters, not the extreme voters.

4) How to use the expertise that already exists in the departments/among city officials?
City officials will be naturally motivated to share their insights and perspectives to and hear feedback
from the public gathered at the Neighborhood Assemblies, and the space will exist to allow for and
encourage dialog and transparency. Moreover, department officials will be encouraged to share
information with the CWCs. This is again in their interest, as they would want to influence any
alternative budget to be proposed by the CWCs. And finally, to the extent that city employees are also
city residents who will want to have their say at the NAs, there will be ample inclusion of the
institutional wisdom & professional knowledge that exists within the various city departments.



1) How can NGOs & CBOs interface with the NAs?

Different NGOs, CBOs, and interest groups will naturally want to develop and distribute informational materials, make presentations, and hold workshops at NAs related to their particular areas of expertise. The exact manner for this will be determined by each NA or city-wide committee as appropriate.

Community Democracy Project Democratic Budgeting Program Cheat Sheet

Democratic Budgeting Program Cheat Sheet

Community Democracy Project

Democratic Budgeting Program (DBP)

city department at the same level of City Council that implements Oakland's
budgeting process and facilitates civic engagement, dialogue, and participatory
decision-making among the residents of Oakland
Neighborhood Assemblies (NAs)
Neighborhood size: ~4000 people (therefore, ~100 NAs city-wide)

Monthly meetings: 10+ per year. Content: 1) information about city
departments & programs; 2) local issues; 3) reports from committees; 4)
culture; 5) miscellaneous education & conversation; 6) votes on budget
allocation, department program specifics, changes to overall structure of DBP

All residents aged 16+ eligible to vote at NAs

NA Directors

3-5 Directors per NA, elected by residents for 2 year terms

organize meetings, oversee NA expenses

participate in ongoing leadership development

attend city-wide Congress of Directors (see below)

Congress of Directors (COD)
The Executive Board of the DBP, composed of all the NA Directors.

Oversees staff and overall program functioning.

Deliberates and decides on minor adjustments in the DBP, and submits major
adjustments to be voted on by the NAs

Receives and synthesizes proposals from the CWCs (see below) regarding the
use of non-general funds. Submits the proposal to the NAs.
Support Staff


full-time staff, 1 per Council District (so 7 total)

supports and promotes the DBP city-wide

launch and support NAs within their district

facilitate information flow among NAs and between NAs and city officials
support for DBP meetings & events

arrange leadership development opportunities for Directors

manage work of the Organizers


part-time staff, 3 per Council District (so 21 total)

door-to-door outreach for NAs, with special focus on NAs with lower turnout
support for DBP meetings and events

Budget Vote

City Budget Vote
Determines allocation of funds between department, and the programming
specifics within each department for funds allocated the previous year.
Occurs at all NAs during a one-week period in June

General Funds Allocation
Determines what share of General Funds goes to each department. Every voter
makes their choices about percentages to go to each department, and the final
allocation is the average of all the voters' choices.

Departmental Program Vote

People can propose specific program ideas for a given department's budget

Proposals passed at NAs for a given department, 'X', are put together (by

CWCs, see below) into a single "People's Budget" Proposal for Dept. X.

If City officials have submitted a separate proposal for Dept. X, the voters
choose between the two, with the majority winning.
Special Funds Allocation

Proposals for the use of Special Funds for specific departments are received
from the corresponding CWCs and synthesized by the COD into a single
If City officials have submitted a separate proposal, the voters choose between
the two, with the final allocation being the average.

Citywide Committees (CWCs)

composed of elected delegates from interested NAs, focused on particular
department/area of expertise
receives various proposals from NAs and create alternative “people’s budget”
for their particular department

make proposals to COD (see above) for the use of Special Funds targeting
specific departments

Launching Process

District Launch Assemblies

choose Coordinators who will then hire Organizers

Neighborhood Launch Assemblies

facilitated by Coordinators & Organizers, will choose Directors of NAs and
draw boundaries.

Program expenses

DBP Fund
each NA has monthly budget for meeting & organizing expenses
salaries of coordinators and organizers

mailing and other overhead for staff

leadership development funds for Directors

total amount approximately $2.5 million (2012 dollars), fixed for first 5 years,
of DBP, later subject to vote just like other departments

Community Democracy Projects Ballot Proposal Gathering Signatures early 2013




This measure would amend the City Charter to require that the City of Oakland implement and maintain a “Democratic Budgeting Program.”
Democratic Budgeting Program.
The Democratic Budgeting Program promotes active citizenship, community learning, and direct democracy by providing the residents of Oakland a governing process that allows participating residents to collectively determine how the budget of the City of Oakland is allocated through participation in the Neighborhood Assemblies and Citywide Committees designated herein.
Proposed Charter Amendment -- Oakland City Charter, Section 801 and New Section 813 under Article VIII.
Article VIII-Fiscal Administration
Section 801. Budget

Amendment: Each department, office and agency of the City shall provide to Democratic Budget
Program (hereafter, DBP) personnel, officers, and Neighborhood Assemblies (NAs), in the form and at the time directed by the Mayor and City Administrator all information required by them to develop a budget conforming to modern budget practices and procedures as well as specific information, which may be prescribed by the Council. Under the direction of the Mayor and Council, the City Administrator shall prepare budget recommendations for the succeeding fiscal year. The Mayor shall present said budget recommendations to both the City Council and to the Congress of Directors. Following City Council Budget Hearings, Neighborhood Assembly Meetings, and Citywide Committee workshops, a public vote shall be conducted pursuant to Section 813 below, in which voters shall select either the original budget recommendations as prepared by the City Administrator under the direction of the Mayor and the Council, or the budget recommendations prepared by the Citywide Committees under the direction of participants in the Neighborhood Assemblies. The City Council shall adopt the budget of expenditures and appropriations as voted by the public for the ensuing year.
Section 813. Democratic Budget Program
This article establishes the Democratic Budget Program (DBP). The DBP is subordinate only to the Residents of Oakland; the DBP is on the same organizational level as the City Attorney, Mayor, City
Council, and City Auditor. Residents of Oakland shall be able to determine how the city’s budget is
allocated through a direct vote at Neighborhood Assemblies designated in this article.

I. The Democratic Budget Program Fund

(1) The annual budget for the DBP is initially equivalent to at least $2.55 million in 2012 dollars, to be adjusted in accordance with the inflation index. For the first five years, the COD can adjust line item levels upwards. After that point, the budget shall be subject to the standard budgeting process. Initially, the budget must include the following line items at the following levels.



Table 1

Item Percentage of total DBP budget

Salaries and benefits 51%

Neighborhood Assembly budgets 30%

Training and leadership development, for directors, organizers and coordinators 13%

Office and administrative expenses, including rent and mailing 6%

TOTAL 100%
(2) Salaries and benefits.
The following are floor amounts and can be adjusted upward by the COD.

a) Coordinators
Coordinators are FTEs compensated at least the following amount, in 2012 dollars to be
adjusted in accordance with the inflation index, plus benefits equivalent to $25,000 annually, in
2012 dollars to be adjusted in accordance with the inflation index.

Salary: $25 -33 hourly
$4,000-5,280 monthly
$48,000-63,360 annually

b) Organizers
Assuming a .5 FTE, Organizers are compensated at least the following amount, in 2012 dollars to
be adjusted in accordance with the inflation index, plus benefits equivalent to $12,000 annually,
in 2012 dollars to be adjusted in accordance with the inflation index.

Salary: $25 - 33 hourly
$2,000-2,645 monthly
$24,000 - 31,740 annually


Formation of the DBP (1)
District Launch Assemblies
Within thirty days after passing the initiative, the City Clerk’s office must notify all residents of Oakland of District Launch Assemblies, including a call for candidates for the Coordinator positions, and basic information about the DBP. The District Launches must be held within (10)ten weeks of passing the initiative. The City Clerk shall coordinate with the DBP Campaign Coalition and city departments (including but not limited to Neighborhood Services) to delegate responsibilities for planning, facilitating, and securing locations for the District Launch Assemblies. Decision-making at District Assemblies require a quorum of 75 district residents aged 16 and over.

a) Election of coordinators: Coordinators are chosen by majority vote. Coordinators for each
Council District will be chosen by eligible voters in that district. All eligible voters are eligible to
run. Interested parties must submit their petition for candidacy no later than three weeks after



notification of the District Launch Assemblies, accompanied by thirty signatures from eligible
voters in their district. Votes are cast at the District Launch Assemblies in a manner determined
and facilitated by the DBP campaign coalition.

b) DBP Campaign Coalition: The organizational representatives and community leaders that
comprise the DBP initiative campaign coalition, plus any other organizations or community
leaders they appoint to the Coalition.

c) Hiring of Organizers: Solicitations for applicants to the Organizer positions occurs at the
District Launch Assemblies , facilitated by the DBP campaign coalition. Organizers must be hired
by Coordinators within one month of the District Launch Assemblies. Coordinators must also
notify all district residents of the Organizer position openings.

d) Deadlines and Consequences: If notification deadlines described in this section are not met,
the City Administrator and City Council shall be docked in daily pay for each day of delay. These
funds will be transferred to the DBP Fund.

Neighborhood Launch Assemblies
Within four weeks after the District Launch Assembly, the City Clerk’s office must notify all residents of Oakland of the Neighborhood Launch Assemblies including a call for candidates for Director positions and Neighborhood Launch assignments by geographic area. Notification must occur by mail, phone, or face to face contact. Organizers-- once they are hired--shall assist in informing residents. The Neighborhood Launch Assembly must be held within seven weeks of the District Launch Assemblies. Coordinators will work with the appropriate City offices and the DBP campaign coalition to determine locations and any other logistics for the Neighborhood Launch Assemblies.

NA boundaries and Directors are determined at Neighborhood Launch Assemblies within each NCPC. To make these decisions, a minimum of seventy five residents who meet the definition of a “voting member” must be present at each Neighborhood Launch. Decisions at Neighborhood Launch Assemblies will be made by majority vote.

a)Determination of NA boundaries: Each Neighborhood Launch Assembly will receive a map of their NCPC. Coordinators will determine and facilitate a process by which participants will divide the NCPC district into NAs of 3000-5000 people each. The final NA boundaries must be decided by majority vote.

b) Election of directors: Any voting member of an NA may run for the position of Director.
Within 2 weeks after notification of the Neighborhood Launch Assembly, interested parties must submit their petition for candidacy and 20 signatures from eligible voters in their Council District. The Directors for each NA will be chosen as follows: candidates who received the first and second most votes will be appointed for a three year term; the remaining three candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be appointed for a two year term.This is to ensure that after the first two years of implementing the DBP, the terms of at least two experienced Directors will always overlap with the terms of newly elected Directors.

III. Neighborhood Assemblies

(1) Size
Neighborhood Assembly (NA) boundaries are based on the Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council



(NCPC) districts as of June 2012. The NCPC districts will be subdivided into NAs of 3,000-5,000 people. The subdivision boundaries will be determined by Neighborhood Launch Assemblies in each NCPC (see above). The Congress of Directors may propose changes to the following: NA boundaries; and minimum and maximum population thresholds for NAs. Proposals will be voted on by NAs at the time of the citywide budget vote in June.

(2) Meetings
NAs will hold meetings at least ten times per year during ten different months. The first NA meetings shall be held within one month of the Neighborhood Launch Assemblies. The meetings will be open to the public and publicized among residents of the NA. Coordinators must oversee the following public notification practices: (a) mailings and/or other forms of messaging such as email or text messages to NA residents at least one week prior to a meeting and two weeks prior to a city wide budget election; b) meeting notification posted online. Each meeting will last at least two hours, with at least one half hour devoted to information sharing and discussion of city departments and the budget. Meeting minutes will be accessible online. Additional topics of meetings may include but are not limited to general political, cultural, and educational matters--discussions, presentations, trainings, and performances.

a) Budget vote meetings

Once per year, at a meeting to take place in the first two weeks of June, NAs will host a vote on
the city budget.

(3) Voting Members
The voting members of an NA are the residents of the NA boundary who are aged 16 years or older and who are in attendance at an NA meeting. Proof of residence may be no more or less stringent than that used in acquiring a membership at an Oakland library. In order to vote on the city budget at the June meeting, NA members must have attended at least two prior meetings of any NA during the preceding year.

(4) Neighborhood Assembly Decision-Making Process
A quorum of thirty voting members is required for decision making in an NA. Voting members of NAs will make decisions based upon a majority vote, amendable later by the NA itself. Examples of decisionmaking include but are not limited to electing directors, putting forth a proposal to any committee, or creating a committee or subcommittee. An opportunity for deliberation is required before voting.

5) Directors
Election of Directors Following Inaugural Year
The voting members of each NA will elect between three and five directors to collaboratively
administer the NA. In all subsequent elections after the inaugural year, all Directors shall be
limited to serving two-year terms and are eligible to serve multiple, non-consecutive terms.
Individuals interested in serving as Directors must first gather twenty signatures from residents
who live within the NA boundary supporting their nomination. NA voting members will elect
new Directors by majority vote at the end of an exiting Director’s term, which will fall in the
same month in which they were elected.

Directors perform various facilitation duties, including but not limited to setting NA meeting
agendas, scheduling dates and securing locations for NA meetings; publicizing meetings, rolltaking
of meeting participants, leading NA decision-making processes, such as NA voting



systems, or stewardship of the NA Operating Funds and purchasing supplies for each meeting.

c) Training and Leadership Development
The TLD of Directors shall focus on two categories: leadership and local knowledge. Leadership
training includes but is not limited to building skills in facilitation and group decision-making,
communication and outreach, management, and organization. Local knowledge includes but is
not limited to increasing understanding of current and historical cultural and economic trends in
Oakland, the functioning of City departments, and issues impacting Oakland’s budget.

(6) NA Budget
Each NA is allocated a minimum of $7,560 per year (i.e. $630 per month) in 2012 dollars, adjusted for inflation, for meeting supplies and outreach materials. All funds not spent by the end of the fiscal year will be transferred back to the Democratic Budget Program Fund (DBPF).

(7) Neighborhood Assembly Education
The same financial information provided to city council and the mayor for the proper allocation of the budget shall be extended to DBP personnel, officers, and NAs.

(8) Location
The City of Oakland shall subsidize or make available at least one space that can accommodate a
minimum of 100 people each month for each participating NA. Directors are responsible for identifying and securing locations. The location shall meet the accessibility standards of public meetings (ADA).

IV. Personnel for Democratic Budgeting Program

The DBP shall be supported by two categories of paid personnel: Coordinators and Organizers. DBP
personnel are city staff and entitled to all of the rights and responsibilities afforded thereto.


One Coordinator shall be hired per council district, and they shall have jurisdiction over that district.
Following the first year of the program (See “District Launch Assemblies”), Coordinators will be hired by the Directors of NAs in their district. Coordinators must live within the district in which they are hired. Coordinators shall promote the DBP to the public; serve as liaisons between NAs and city officials; ensure the popular education about the budget and city departments to the NAs; hire and oversee the work of Organizers; support the work of the Directors; support the leadership development of Directors; maintain the DBP’s web presence and databases; and administer NA budgets to Directors within their jurisdiction. In their role as liaison between city departments and residents, Coordinators shall ensure that educational and informational materials are appropriately and sufficiently prepared for NAs. In addition to administering the DBP fund, Coordinators shall produce a quarterly financial report to be made publicly available, and submit it to the Congress of Directors. The Coordinators must prepare basic introductory information about the budget process to be presented at the first NAs by Directors, local volunteers, and members of the DBP Campaign Coalition. Coordinators are city staff and are entitled to all of the rights and responsibilities afforded thereto.

(2) Organizers

The Coordinators shall hire three Organizers per council district. The Organizers work initially halftime, in collaboration with the Coordinators. (The number of Organizers and their weekly work-time are adjustable upwards at the discretion of the COD.) Organizers support the NAs within their district by performing outreach within their district, with a special emphasis on NA areas with lower rates of participation. Their tasks include door-to-door outreach, presentations to community groups, use of social media and other organizing methods to inform people in the community of NA activities, decisions and meeting agendas; conducting polls and surveys; helping organize the election process for NA Directors. Organizers may be called to assist with support for the CWCs and the COD, or under special circumstances as determined by the Coordinators or the COD. Organizers may be deployed outside their district. Organizers are paid an annual salary and benefits as delineated in the section on the DBP Fund. They are hired for year-long contracts. Organizers must be residents of Oakland. Preference is given to residents of the district for the position of Organizer. The contract of an Organizer is automatically renewed unless at the year-end review, the COD recommends against rehiring. If organizers are part of a union, the evaluation process and any firing or other changes to employment that result must comply with the union’s just cause for discipline clause.

V: Congress of Directors


The executive of the DBP is the Congress of Directors (COD) or any duly appointed committee


(1) Function
The COD is made up of all NA Directors. It meets at least twice a year. All Directors are expected to
attend or to send a surrogate. The COD's functions include: 1) receiving, compiling, and preparing for vote proposals from NAs that have to do with changing how the DBP works; 2) overseeing the DBP staff; 3) collection and redeployment of leftover funds from the NAs; 4) amending as desired any amendable portions of the DBP that do not require a vote of the NAs; 5) reviewing the overall DBP budget; 6) overseeing the overall functioning of the DBP, including the citywide votes; 7) facilitate the exchange of information between City Departments and the NAs. To perform its tasks the COD may direct staff or form empowered committees of the whole as needed.
(2) COD decision-making

COD will make decisions based upon a majority vote, amendable later by the COD. Meetings will be
open to the public.
(3) Amending the DBP

Unless specifically stated, all such changes may be decided by the COD. The other sort of changes which require citywide vote work just like program specific proposals, except that such proposals go to the COD instead of to a CWC. These items are voted on at the same time as the City budget. Directors must meet together at least twice a year. One meeting shall occur prior to the city budget vote in June to vote on proposals to amend administrative tasks outlined in this article, or proposals to amend the funding of a given NA. In this meeting prior to June, Directors will also compile proposals intended to amend the process of the DBP and place these proposals on the ballot for the city budget vote in June.

VI: Citywide Committees
The purpose of Citywide Committees (CWCs) is to receive and synthesize department-specific program proposals from NAs, and to make proposals regarding the disposal of special (i.e. non-general) funds. CWCs make monthly reports to NAs.


A CWC for a given department is convoked once one of the following occurs: 1) at least one NA in each City Council District approves a proposal specifically focused on that department, or 2) some set of Directors collectively representing NAs in each City Council District calls for the formation of such a CWC. Once convoked, a CWC exists throughout the year, and in perpetuity unless the COD votes to dissolve it.

(2) Composition and Meetings

CWCs are comprised of up to one delegate (and one backup delegate who will attend the CWC if
the main delegate is unable to) elected by each NA, and up to one delegate from the appropriate
City Department. Elections for CWC delegates are held every two years. CWC delegates can serve a
maximum of four consecutive terms. Quorum consists of at least 7 NA delegates. A CWC votes according to majority rule, until and unless it decides to change its voting procedure to require a higher threshold of agreement. CWCs meet at least once every two months. Their meetings are public in accordance with the usual meeting rules for deliberative bodies. The work of the CWCs is supported by DBP staff. The City shall make available space for the meetings of the CWCs. Departments are expected to share any and all information they currently share with the Mayor, City Administrator and City Council as pertaining to the development of the budget with the CWCs.

(3) Department-Specific Program Proposa

Throughout the year, a CWC receives proposals from NAs regarding the specific budget for their
Department. A voting member of an NA may submit a proposal on matters impacting the budget of
a specific department to be passed by the NA with majority approval. Approved proposals will then
be submitted to the appropriate Citywide Committee. The CWC reviews the proposals it receives and selects from and synthesizes those proposals into a single Departmental Program Proposal (DPP) to be submitted to the COD along with any explanatory materials. The COD will submit all such CWC proposals to vote at the yearly NA budget vote. The departments are encouraged to collaborate with the CWCs and may develop a joint budget proposal to be voted upon in the manner below.

(4) Special Funds Proposals
The CWC makes recommendations to the COD regarding the use of special funds for their department. The COD receives all such proposals from the CWCs and synthesizes them into a package to be voted on at the yearly NA budget vote. (See the section on the budget vote.)

VII. City Budget Vote
All aspects of the City budget heretofore decided by the City Council and Mayor are hereby decided by residents of Oakland in accordance with the process herein.

(1) Budget for the City Budget Vote

A budget in the amount required to hold an election for 20,000 voters shall be set aside for the annual budget vote. The COD may adjust that amount as needed. Any unused funds shall expire.

(2) Eligibility
All voting members who have attended at least two prior NA meetings during the current fiscal year may vote on the city budget. Participation of one NA in each council district is required for a citywide vote to occur. If this quorum is not met, the budget is decided by City Council.

(3) Ballot Distribution and Voting Procedure
Voting on the budget is to occur during a one week period in June. Copies of the ballot are to be

distributed no later than third week in May. During the allotted one-week period, each NA must
convene a special meeting dedicated to the budget vote. Each NA shall serve as a polling place.
For the purpose of voting on the city budget, all NAs shall have access to the same voting equipment and resources provided for other municipal elections. In accordance with state law, there will be a hand count of 1% of all ballots.

a) General Funds Allocation
The first section of the ballot will determine the allocation of general funds across all city departments. The voters will decide what percentage of the general fund will be allocated to each city department. Information on prior year allocations will be included on the ballot, as well as recommendations from CWCs and City Council. The function of each department will be briefly summarized on the ballot. The final allocation is simply the average of all the votes, with a blank vote counted as a vote to keep the amount the same as the prior year. The general funds allocation thus decided goes into effect in the second calendar year thereafter.

b) Special Funds Allocation
The second section of the ballot will determine allocation of special (i.e., non-general) funds among the City departments. Voters will decide between two allocation packages--i.e. slates combining all special funds: the allocation package recommended by the COD (which synthesizes proposals from the CWCs) and the allocation package recommended by City Council. The final result will be the average of the two packages as determined by the proportion of votes for each. A vote for both is counted as half a vote for both, and vote for neither is not counted. The general funds allocation thus decided goes into effect in the second calendar year thereafter.

c) Departmental Program Vote
The third section of the ballot will determine how the Departments are to spend their funds in the
following calendar year, given allocations previously determined either via the DBP process or, by
necessity at the beginning of DBP implementation, via prior City Council procedure.
For each department, voters will choose between up to two
departmental programming proposals
(DPP) which spell out how the department is to use its funds: a proposal submitted by the appropriate CWC and a proposal submitted by the Department staff. The DPP receiving the majority votes wins. If a CWC does not submit a proposal, the default winner is the Departmental staff proposal. A blank vote or an evenly split vote (extremely unlikely as it may be) is considered by default to be a vote for the Departmental staff recommendation.