Monday, October 20, 2014

Oakland General Election November 4 2014

for Oakland City Council
People’s District 6

Change our priorities:
· Oakland youth need education, employment, and housing, and to get away from crime. 
· Our top crime-related issues are substance abuse, homelessness, parolee recidivism, and truancy. 
· Public schools, libraries, and parks are critical needs.
· Use our existing permits and zoning to plant trees, use grey water, modify buildings, and make a practical impact on the environment.
· We DO NOT NEED another land deal, development scheme, or any more pet projects. 

Change how we raise and spend our money:

· We need a STABLE budget that does not threaten to eliminate services at every downturn. 
· Put all of our public debts on a payment schedule.
· The public services needs should be the last thing on the chopping block.
· Our port should pay per container fees.
· Scale business taxes to compensate for Prop 13.

Change how we relate to our police:

· We need a strong Police Commission with the power to supervise, review, and dismiss. 
· We need to stop spending so much on salary, overtime, pensions, workers' comp, and lawsuits.
· We need more civilians in the police department.
· We need the offender diversion programs and community policing that we were promised.
· Stop the gimmick solutions that divide our communities, such as gang injunctions, 100 block plan, curfews, and stop-frisk.

for Oakland City Council
People’s District 6


· Long-time local activist on youth issues.

· Even longer-time environmentalist working in Australia and the Un-united States.

· History of collaboration with the various groups in our city government. 

· Connected to our diverse communities.

· Wide work background as a blue collar worker, teacher and business manager.

· Diverse education as a lighting designer, youth sports educator, program director, athletic coach, and audio video technician.

· Dedicated to social justice as a grassroots organizer since 1989.

Vicente is endorsed by many active, local residents and businesses:
The Alameda Co. Green Party; eek n aak Inc.; Ernie Ernstrom, local business founder; Oakland City Council Candidate People’s District 1 and mayoral candidate Don Macleay and fellow Green Party member; Theresa Anderson, former City Council At Large Candidate; fellow Green Party member, civil rights worker, and social activist, Andrea Prichett; police accountability activist, KPFA board member, and social activist, Rabbit Mathews-Robles Proprietor The Sacred Well, Teacher, and Presenter

Vicente supports District 6 resident: 
Shanthi Gonzales, candidate for OUSD Board People’s District 6, civil rights worker, union organizer, and advocate for full wrap-around services.

You are welcome and invited to contact Vicente directly
with your thoughts: (510) 735-7361

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